🇭🇷 Vježbanje i ples u centru Zagreba za sve uzraste uz program PokreTTango na bazi Tango Argentina i klasičan balet za odrasle. Aktivni smo i po ljeti.
🇬🇧🇺🇸 Exercise and dancing in the centre of Zagreb for all ages programme PokreTTango based on Tango Argentino and classic ballet (text below).We are also active in the summer.
🇭🇷 Vježbanje i ples uz PokreTTango poboljšava mnogo više od vašeg argentinskog tanga.. To je trenutak sreće za dušu i tijelo! 👑 Potrebna, potreban si samo TI. 🔮Putuj svojim pokretima i mislima postojećim svijetom te stvori svoj.
Upisi i održavanje nastave za sve stupnjeve kroz cijelu godinu. Svoju poduku možete sastaviti od kombinacija u dvorani, na otvorenom ili online te od privatnih, poluprivatnih (grupa za vaše prijatelje i prijateljice) i grupnih sati. Najveća grupa za vježbanje i ples sastoji se od pet osoba, najmanja od tri osobe. Napredak u svim segmentima zagarantiran za sve. 🏆Pridružite nam se i postanite dio prvog profesionalnog Hrvatskog ansambla argentinskog tanga.
Održavanje nastave tokom cijele godine. Kada možeš započeti? Odmah. Izborom svog stupnja i time termina te pozivom, sms ili elektroničkom poštom. Članarina se računa od dana tvog prvog dolaska. 4 tjedna za redom. Putuj s nama i kreiraj.
- Ponedjeljak i petak 16:15-17:45. Aktivan. Otvoren za prijave i upise. NAPREDNI STUPANJ.
- Ponedjeljak i petak 18:00 - 19:30. Otvoren za prijave i upise. SREDNJI STUPANJ.
- Srijeda 20:00-21:30 i subota 18:30-20:00. Otvoren za prijave i upise. NAPREDNI STUPANJ.
- Utorak i četvrtak 20:00 - 21:30. Aktivan. Otvoren za dodatne prijave i upise. POČETNI STUPANJ
- PRIRODNI INTEZITET, NOVA GRUPA jutarnji termini utorak i petak 8:30 - 10:00. U pripremi. 🕰 Otvoren za prijave i upise. Početak kada se skupi najviše 5 osoba.
- Za muške plesače tango argentino. Čstvrtak 18:00-19:30. Početak u listopadu. Upisi do 20.listopada.
- Da(ma)Ma(n) prijave i upisi na termin srijeda 20 - 21:30 do listopada, maximum 4 osobe.. Održavanje u Vlaškoj ulici kraj Trga Eugena Kvaternika.
- 🩰Klasičan balet za odrasle POČETNI STUPANJ subotom 18:30-20:00. Otvoren za prijave i upise. Početak ...
- Prijave i upisi na termin srijeda 20 - 21:30 do 1. ožujka, maximum 4 osobe. Početak u ožujku. Održavanje u Vlaškoj ulici kraj Trga Eugena Kvaternika.
- Da(ma)Ma(n) Redovito održavanje subotom 18:30-20:00 - seminar za plesačice i plesače tango argentino. Slobodnije i opuštenije kretanje za samog plesa. Vježbe za tijelo, dušu i slobodu uz ples. Bivanje u trenutku i podrška. Zablistaj u Ogledalu ogledala. Tango i plesnost. Na kraju razgovor uz čaj i kolače. Svjesnost, komunikacija, bivanje i podrška.
- Subotom 20:00-20:30 po dogovoru upisi u plesni ansambl i program PokreTTango. Godine, visina, težina i iskustvo nisu bitni. Ples za sve generacije.
- PokreTTango na špicama program, otvoren za prijave.
🗺Mjesta održavanja grupnih i privatnih termina
Ante Kovačićeva 4, Zagreb (grupni i privatni) i Trg Eugena Kvaternika, Zagreb (polu privatni i privatni).
💻Prijave, upisi i korisničke članarine
Prijave omogućuju čuvanje mjesta do određenog trenutka. Upis uz uplatu osigurava vaše mjesto i termin. Početi možete usred mjeseca. Prijave, upisi i dodatne informacije: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +385 98 950 2738, te putem kontakt obrasca na internetskoj stranici. Mogućnost polaženja programa uz mjesečnu i uz jedno dnevnu korisnička članarinu. Upis/članarina obnavlja se mjesečno. Možete uplatiti za tromjesečje uz 20% popusta.
1 x tjedno, moguća 4 dolaska u 4 tjedna 26.54EUR/200,00HRK. Pohađatelji više naših programa 23.89EUR/180 HRK (odnosi se na PokreTTango i balet).
2 x tjedno, moguća 8 dolaska u 4 tjedna 31.85EUR/240 HRK. Novi upisanici i pohađatelji više naših programa 26.54EUR/200,00HRK (oodnosi se na PokreTTango i balet).
Jednodnevna korisnička članarina 9.29EUR/70HRK. Pohađatelji više naših programa 7.96EUR/60HRK.
Oprema za vježbanje i ples
- Odjeća namijenjena za dvoranu i na otvorenom od laganih i rastezljivih materijala
- Obuća treba prijanja uz stopalo biti savitljivih materijal (sokne, plesne tenisice, baletne papučice - plesne cipele po dogovoru i baletne špice (posebni program))
- Elastična traka, otpor sami birate (slabi, srednji i jaki sami birate). Dužina otprilike 120 cm.
- Podloga za pod (ručnik za plažu, deka, karimat).
- Termin srijeda 20 - 21:30 početak 1. ožujka, maximum 4 osobe. Mjesečna korisnička članarina 40EUR. Održavanje u Vlaškoj ulici kraj Trga Eugena Kvaternika.
Više o PokreTTangu
PokreTTango je inovativni program za vježbanje i ples tango argentino program osmišljen od strane Jelene Somogyi (International championship adjudicator for artistic dance disciplines - WADF). Uz koji ćete poboljšati osnovnu snagu i rastezljivost, te svoju fizičku i mentalnu motoriku uz pokrete, glazbu, kulturu i umjetnost argentinskog tanga. Predstavlja unisex tehniku i plesni izražaj pokreta argentinskog tanga kao plesa.
Temelji se na svijesti o ispravnom položaju tijela i izvođenju pokretu te njihovoj pravilnoj uporabi kao i mogućnostima (stil, izražaj, tehnika) kako bi vam plesanje i svakodnevnica bili lakše i ispunjenije uz razvoj mišićnih skupina. Njime obogaćujemo ples i činimo ga izražajnijim uz fluidniju izvedbu elemenata tango argentina. Sprječavanje ozljeda zbog nepravilnih kretnji i ne protočnosti energije trebalo bi biti važno bez obzira koliko se samo želimo zabavljati.
Zašto PokreTTAngo ili nekada Tango movement
Oduvijek vam se sviđao svijet argentinskog tanga? Želite posvetiti se razvijanju svjesnosti o pokretu i njegovoj mogućnosti (stil, izražaj, tehnika) kako bi vam plesanje u paru bilo lakše i ispunjenije? Ne želite plesati u paru? Vaša životni partner ili partnerica ne žele plesati? Ne snalazite s vođenjem ili slijeđenjem? Nemate plesnog stalnog partnera ili partnericu (što inače nije važno jer, argentinski tango ima veliko srce i moćan zagrljaj." - Jelena Somogyi)? Plešete ga već? Želite oplemeniti jednostavno svoj pokret i uživati?
Ne pleše se u paru, osim za potrebe plesno – scenskog izražaja. Plešete ga već? Pravi način za razviti i doraditi vlastitu ravnotežu, savladati optimalnost pokreta, razraditi i doraditi izražaj svog pokreta ili stvoriti svoj pokret, razumjeti kretnje i glazbu te svašta nešto. Upoznaj sebe i argentinski tango. Ovo je pravi način plesanja toga krasnog plesa za Vas.
Ready, go, start!!!
Sjećate se Cell Block Tango, Chicago - All That Jazz, El Tango De Roxanne - Moulin Rouge? Postanite dio prvog ansambla argentinskog tanga.
Upoznati ćete plesne te glazbene izražaje argentinskog tanga - vals i vals criollo/peruano, milonge (candombe, lisa, traspie) te ostale. U ovom programu od svakog plesnog, scenskog i glazbenog izražaja njegov začin je spojen je s drugim začinom te je stvorena čarolija kojih je čarobni argentinski tango obiluje. U tangu koji predstavlja spoj različitih kultura i običaja, postoji niz malih tajna koje ćete otkrivati s nama.
Dokazano je kako tango kao glazba i ples sadrži u sebi 6 važnih značajki za poboljšanje kvalitete života i kako usporava proces starenja. Zdravstvena istraživanja pokazuju kako tango glazba i oponašanje tango pokreta, između ostalog ima poseban utjecaj na funkciju mozga i tijela zajedno. Ne zaboravimo argentinski tango je opušten, zabavan i društven te od tebe jedino želi tvoju prisutnost.
Razmišljate li o bavljenju nekim oblikom rekreacije? Kad shvatite da je rekreacija potreba, a ne obveza, tada ćete se već naći u situaciji da trčite, hodate, planinarite, plešete i drugo. Prekrasan je osjećaj kada učinite nešto za svoje tijelo i duh. Količina serotonina je na višoj razini, a poletnost i osmijeh na vašim licima je učestaliji.
Poboljšanje i razvijanje socijalnih te kreativnih vještina.
Prvi ansambl argentinskog tanga na našem području. Upoznavanje argentinskog tanga kao društvenog fenomena koji proizlazi iz osebujnog spoja glazbe, plesa i poezije. Poticanje jednakosti, tolerancije i razumijevanja te razvoj socijalnih i kreativnih vještina, znanja i kompetencija kao oruđa za razvoj osobnih i društvenih vrijednosti.
YouTube channel - Tango argentino Libertango Jelena Somogyi
Novo* Brutalni novi tango iz Dobro jutro uz Jelenu i tango prizori - 1.PiazzollaFesta 11.3.2021.
Travel movement of tango argentino
PokreTTango - grupni rekreacijski plesni program tangoargentino4all
Tango Movement inovacijski program za vježbanje i ples
PokreTTango bar exercises on pointe shoes
Live stream PokreTTango - vježbajmo i plešimo zajedno za karantene
Tango taboo svijet tango argentina
🇬🇧🇺🇸 Exercise and dancing tango argentine in the centre of Zagreb for all ages PokreTTango
Exercise and dancing with The PokreTTango improves a lot more than your Argentinean tango. It's a moment of happiness for the soul and the body! 👑 All it takes is you. 🔮Travel with your movements and thoughts to the existing world and create your own. ☀️ For all ages who wants to know Argentinian tango to discover his secrets and create dance stories.
Enrollment and classes for all levels throughout the year. You can compose your lessons from combinations in the hall, outdoors or online, as well as private, semi-private (groups for your friends) and group classes. The largest exercise and dance group consists of five people. The smallest of three people. Progress in all segments guaranteed for all. 🏆Join us and become part of the first professional Croatian ensemble of Argentine tango.
Regular classes
- Tuesday and Thursday 20:00 - 21:30. Open for applications and enrolments. Beginning September 14th, applications. BEGINNER LEVEL, NEW GROUP
- Monday and Friday 16:15-17:45. Open for applications and enrolments. ADVANCED LEVEL.
- Wednesday 20:00-21:30 and Saturday 18:30-20:00. Open for applications and enrollments. ADVANCED LEVEL.
- Monday and Friday 18:00-19:30. Open for applications and enrolments. MIDDLE LEVEL.
- Thursday 18:00 - 19:30, for male dancers tango argentino. Applications until October 20th.
- NATURAL INTENSITY, NEW GROUP. Morning sessions Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 - 10:00. Open for registration and enrollment. The beginning when a maximum of 5 people are gathered.
- 🩰 Classical ballet for adults BEGINNER'S LEVEL on Wednesdays 20:00-21:30, start in October. Open for registration and enrollment.
- Da(ma)Ma(n) Regular classes on Saturday 18:30-20:00 - seminar for tango argentino dancers. Freer and more relaxed movement for the dance itself. Exercises for body, soul and freedom with dance. Being in the moment and supporting. Shine in the mirror mirror. Tango and dance. At the end of the conversation over tea and cakes. Awareness, communication, being and supporting. Discovering the secrets of shoes and clothing.
- Saturdays 20:00-20:30 by appointment enrollment in the dance ensemble and program PokreTTango. Age, height, weight and experience don't matter. A dance for all generations.
- PokreTTango on pointe shoes program, open for applications.
Venue for group and private classes
Ante Kovačićeva 4 , Zagreb - group and private.
Square Eugen Kvaternik, Zagreb - semi private and private.
Registrations, entries and user membership fees
Applications allow you to keep the place until a certain point. Payment entry ensures your place and appointment. You can start in the middle of the month.
Applications, registrations and additional information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +385 98 950 2738, and via the contact form on the website.
The possibility of 100% of the program with monthly and one daily user membership fee. Membership fee is renewed monthly. You can deposit for the quarter at a 20% discount.
- 1 x per week, possible 4 arrivals in 4 weeks 26.54EUR/200,00HRK. Participants more of several of our programs 23.89EUR/180 HRK.
- 2 x per week, possible 8 arrivals in 4 weeks 31.85EUR/240 HRK. New and participants of several of our programs 26.54EUR/200,00HRK (it refers to PokreTTango and ballet).
- One-day user membership fee 9.29EUR/70HRK. Participants of several of our programs 7.96EUR/60HRK.
Exercise and dancing equipment
- Indoor and outdoor clothing made of lightweight and stretchy materials
- Footwear should adhere to the foot to be flexible (socks, dance sneakers, ballet slippers - dance shoes and ballet pointes in special program)
- Elastic band, resistance you choose (weak, medium and strong choose). Length approximately 120 cm.
- Floor pad (beach towel, blanket, karimat....).
More about PokreTTango exercise and dancing programme based on Tango Argentino
PokreTTango is an innovative program for exercising and dancing based on Tango Argentino designed by Jelena Somogyi (International championship adjudicator for artistic dance disciplines - WADF). With which you will improve basic strength and stretchiness, and your physical and mental motor skills with movements, music, culture and art of Argentine tango. It represents the unisex technique and dance expression of the Argentine tango movement as dance.
It is based on awareness of the position of the body and performance of movement and their proper use as well as possibilities (style, expression, technique) to make dancing and everyday life easier and more fulfilling with the development of muscle groups. It enriches dance and makes it more expressive with a more fluid performance of Tango Argentino elements. Preventing injuries due to irregular movements and not the flow of energy should be important no matter how much fun we want to have.
Why PokreTTAngo or the once Tango movement?
You always liked the world of Argentine tango? Want to dedicate yourself to developing awareness of movement and its ability (style, expression, technique) to make dancing in pairs easier and more fulfilling for you? You don't want to dance in pairs? Your life partner or partner won't dance? You don't get leading and following? You don't have a dance permanent partner or partner (which doesn't really matter because, argentine tango has a big heart and a powerful hug." – J.S.)? You've been dancing it already? Want to ennoble your movement and enjoy yourself?
PokreTTango is NOT danced in pairs, except for the needs of dance and stage expression. You've been dancing it already? The right way to develop your own balance, overcome the optimality of movement, elaborate and re-create the expression of your movement or create your own, understand movements and music and.... Meet yourself and the Argentine tango.
…. then this is the right way to dance that beautiful Tango Argentino....
Ready, go, start!!!
Remember Cell Block Tango, Chicago - All That Jazz, El Tango De Roxanne - Moulin Rouge? Become part of the first ensemble of argentine tango in Croatia.
You will get to know the dance and musical expressions of argentine tango - vals and vals criollo/peruano, milonge (candombe, lisa, traspie) and.... In this program, from every dance, stage and musical expression, spices are combined and a magic has been created. Tango Argentino is full of spells and ready for new ones. He embraced cultures and customs from whole world. There are a number of little secrets you will discover with us.
Tango as music and dance has been proven to contain 6 important features for improving quality of life and slowing down the aging process. Health research shows that tango music and imitation of tango movements, among other things, has a special impact on brain and body function together. Let's not forget the Argentine tango is relaxed, fun and sociable and only wants your presence.
Are you thinking of doing some form of recreation? When you realize that recreation is a necessity, not an obligation, then you will already find yourself running, walking, hiking, dancing and more. It's a wonderful feeling when you do something for your body and spirit. The amount of Serotonin will be higher, and smile on your face more frequent.
Improving and developing social and creative skills. Establishment of a professional/amateur group of the first ensemble of Argentine tango in our area. Introduction to Argentine tang as a social phenomenon stemming from a peculiar combination of music, dance and poetry. Fostering equality, tolerance and understanding and developing social and creative skills, knowledge and competences as tools for the development of personal and social values.
Classic ballet
It develops strength, endurance and flexibility. Ballet hours are where you don't think about anyone or anything else. You want to improve your dance? Classical ballet is recognized as the basis of all styles of dance and is known for its graceful movement, long body lines and complex technique.
We 🎱 begin.june. Wednesdays 6-7:30 p.m. If necessary, we are also ready for the morning session.
You can combine ballet with PokreTTango, Tango Argentino programs, private sativa and ... How much do we call it? Creating an intense (regular and folding your) tango argentino schedule.
YouTube channel - Tango argentino Libertango Jelena Somogyi
Tango and divided personality
Travel movement of tango argentino
PokreTTango - group recreational dance program tangoargentino4all
Tango Movement innovation program for exercise and dance
PokreTTango bar exercises on pointe shoes
Live stream PokreTTango - let's practice and dance together during quarantines
Tango taboo world of tango argentina